- Canagan配方模仿犬貓祖先飲食中蛋白質,脂肪和碳水化合物的比例, 營養更均衡
- 嫩雞肉絲配上美味的牛肉
- 新鮮熬製的肉湯
- 不含穀物
Ingredients 成分
Chicken Breast(58%), Chicken Broth (32%), Beef (5%), Thickening agent (Tapioca), Sunflower Oil, Vitamins & Minerals
Analysis 營養分析
Moisture水份 | 77.0% |
Crude Protein粗蛋白質 | 19.5% |
Crude Fat粗脂肪 | 1.3% |
Ash灰質 | 1.5% |
Crude Fibre粗纖維 | 0.04% |
Taurine牛磺酸 | 648.2 mg/kg |
Tricalcium Phosphate磷酸三鈣 | 4078 mg/kg |
Zinc Sulphate硫酸鋅 | 226.9mg/kg |
Choline Chloride氯化膽鹼 | 1037 mg/kg |
Ferrous Sulphate硫酸亞鐵 | 51.9 mg/kg |
Vitamin A維生素A | 10370 IU/kg |
Potassium Iodide碘化鉀 | 6.5mg/kg |
Manganese Sulphate硫酸錳 | 6.5mg/kg |
Copper Sulphate硫酸銅 | 6.5mg/kg |
Vitamin D3維生素D3 | 1944IU/kg |
Directions for Use 使用方法
- 2至3罐即可滿足普通貓貓的需求,而小貓、懷孕或哺乳期的貓貓可能需要更多
- 餵飼量取決於各種因素,如年齡,活性,代謝和環境等,請相應地調整餵飼量
- 常備清潔飲用水
- 2 to 3 cans will fulfil the requirements of an average cat. Kittens, Pregnant or lactating queens may require more.
- Each cat is unique and the optimal feeding amounts vary significantly depending on factors such as age, activity, metabolism and environment. Please adjust feeding amounts accordingly.
- Always ensure there is clean drinking water available